Programs And Services Available To Seniors

Your 1+1 Team
June 14, 2023

As individuals age, they encounter unique challenges and requirements that need specialized support and assistance. Fortunately, various programs and services have been developed to cater to the personal needs of older adults. By understanding and utilizing these resources, seniors can access the necessary care, information, and materials to lead fulfilling lives during their golden years.

The following programs and services are available to seniors and provided by the California Department of Aging:

1. Aging and Disability Resource Connection:

The California Department of Aging oversees the local Area Agencies on Aging (AAA), which coordinates various services for seniors and adults with disabilities. It's important to note that not all AAAs offer ADRC services. To find the AAA in your area, you can select your county on the "Find Services in My County" page of this website. A range of supportive services is available in ADRC, including enhanced information and referral services, options counseling, short-term service coordination, and transition service.

2.CalFresh Expansion:

CalFresh is a program that offers monthly food benefits to seniors with low income who were previously ineligible before 2019. This program is the largest food assistance program in California and serves as a crucial safety net to combat hunger. In addition to addressing food insecurity, CalFresh also contributes to the economic well-being of communities. By utilizing CalFresh benefits, seniors can purchase nutritious foods and have improved dietary choices. These benefits can be redeemed at grocery stores as well as farmers' markets, providing seniors with more options for obtaining healthy food. The California Department of Aging collaborates with 17 statewide Area Agencies on Aging to assist eligible seniors in enrolling for CalFresh Food benefits. To find more information about the services available in your county, you can refer to the "Find Services in My County" page.

3.CalFresh Healthy Living (nutrition & exercise):

The CalFresh Healthy Living program, previously known as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program-Education (SNAP-Ed) program, offers older adults aged 60 and above evidence-based nutrition and physical education activities. These activities take place at congregate nutrition sites and various other locations. The primary goal of these activities is to motivate participants, who may have limited financial resources, to make nutritious food choices. Additionally, the program aims to reduce social isolation and enhance the overall well-being and self-confidence of seniors.

4. Caregiver Resource Center:

Caregiver Resource Centers (CRCs) assist numerous families and caregivers across California who are taking care of individuals with conditions such as Alzheimer's disease, stroke, Parkinson's disease, and other disorders. California is the first state in the nation to establish a comprehensive network of support organizations for caregivers. Every resident of the state has access to a CRC in their locality. Each CRC offers a range of essential services to families and caregivers at minimal or no cost. These services include specialized information and referrals, family consultations and care planning, respite care, short-term counseling, support groups, professional training, legal and financial consultations, as well as educational resources.

5. Community-Based Adult Services:

CBAS (Community-Based Adult Services) is a day health program that operates within the community and offers services to older adults and adults with chronic medical, cognitive, and behavioral health conditions, and disabilities that put them at risk of requiring institutional care. The CBAS Program serves as an alternative to institutional care for individuals covered by Medi-Cal who are capable of living at home with appropriate assistance from health, rehabilitative, personal care, and social services. At each CBAS center, a team of healthcare professionals evaluates potential participants by determining their specific health and social needs and designing a personalized service plan. The center provides a variety of services including professional nursing care, physical, occupational, and speech therapies, mental health support, therapeutic activities, social services, personal care, hot meals, nutritional counseling, and transportation to and from the participant's residence.

6. Digital Inclusion:

A participant who has disabilities and cannot drive has been separated from his wife for over a year because she was placed in an institution due to severe dementia, and is located 45 minutes away. Fortunately, through his involvement in the Multipurpose Supportive Services Program's Digital Inclusion initiative, he will receive a new iPad that will serve as a means to bridge the gap and allow him to reconnect with his wife at last. Moreover, he can utilize this technology to attend appointments and explore his interests through online research. The Digital Inclusion Resources provided encompass various aspects such as device support, connectivity assistance, digital literacy materials, frequently asked questions (FAQs), and step-by-step instructions on how to use an iPad effectively.

7. Dignity at Home Fall Prevention Program:

The objective of the Dignity At Home Fall Prevention Program is to decrease the occurrence of severe falls among older adults and individuals with disabilities. Studies indicate that a significant number of falls can be prevented. Eligible individuals may receive various services as part of the program, such as educational materials and information on fall prevention, referrals to relevant resources, assessments of their home environment to identify potential risks, assistance in obtaining safety equipment to prevent injuries, and other related services.

8. Family Caregiver Services:

The Family Caregiver Services program focuses on meeting the requirements of family members who are providing care for their relatives. This program offers a range of services which may include respite care, training, counseling, and additional support measures.

9. Food & Nutrition:

The Congregate Meals program provides an opportunity for individuals to partake in nutritious meals within a group setting to experience social interaction with fellow participants. These sites may also provide supplementary services like nutrition education, screening for risks associated with nutrition, and counseling on healthy eating. On the other hand, the Home-Delivered Meals Program ensures the delivery of meals directly to individuals' homes. Additionally, this program offers nutrition education and conducts screenings to assess any potential nutrition-related risks.

10. Health Promotion:

If your loved one requires support in preventing or improving the management of chronic conditions, the Health Promotion program offers guidance on methods and approaches to prevent or alleviate the impact of long-term illnesses such as osteoporosis, hypertension, obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease. Health Promotion is designed to encourage healthier lifestyles by focusing on reducing alcohol and substance abuse, quitting smoking, achieving weight loss and maintenance, managing stress, preventing falls, and effectively addressing depression.

11. Home & Community Services:

These services empower elderly individuals to access resources that encourage healthy living and independence. Collectively, these services aim to enhance seniors' capacity to maintain the highest levels of functioning, engagement, and respect within their community. A diverse range of services is accessible, but availability may differ by location. These services are offered either directly by Area Agencies on Aging or through partnerships with other service providers.

12. Legal Services:

Legal assistance offers support to older adults and individuals with disabilities dealing with various legal issues. These issues encompass concerns related to housing, consumer fraud, elder abuse, Social Security, Supplemental Security Income (SSI), Medicare, Medi-Cal, age discrimination, pensions, nursing homes, protective services, conservatorships, and more.

13. Long-Term Care Ombudsman:

Long-Term Care Ombudsman representatives provide support to residents residing in long-term care facilities by addressing concerns regarding their daily care, health, safety, and personal preferences.

14. Medicare Counseling (HICAP):

HICAP, which stands for Health Insurance Counseling and Advocacy Program offers counseling, education, and support to individuals and their families regarding Medicare, Long-Term Care insurance, and other health insurance matters. Additionally, HICAP guides planning for future Long-Term Care requirements. In situations involving Medicare or Long-Term Care insurance-related concerns, HICAP also offers legal assistance or referrals to appropriate legal services.

15. Multipurpose Senior Services Program (MSSP):

The Multipurpose Senior Services Program (MSSP) offers a wide range of social and healthcare management services to support individuals in maintaining their independence within their own homes and communities. While many program participants also receive In-Home Supportive Services, MSSP goes further by providing ongoing care coordination. This includes connecting participants with necessary community services and resources, collaborating with healthcare providers, and arranging for the provision of certain services that are not otherwise accessible. The aim is to prevent or delay the need for institutional care. A dedicated team of healthcare and social service professionals conducts a thorough assessment of each MSSP participant's health and psychosocial needs. Based on this assessment, the team collaborates with the participant, their physician, family, and other relevant individuals to develop a personalized care plan.

16. Senior Employment training:

The Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP) offers employment training to individuals aged 55 and above who are low-income and unemployed. Participants receive valuable part-time work experience within non-profit and government organizations and are compensated at the highest rate of either the state or local minimum wage. This training serves as a pathway for participants to transition into independent, non-subsidized employment opportunities.

17. The Office of the Long-term Care Patient Representative:

The Office of the Long-Term Care Patient Representative, a recently established initiative within the California Department of Aging, offers the services of skilled representatives to designated residents in long-term care settings. These individuals require medical treatment but cannot make healthcare decisions themselves and do not have a legal surrogate who is authorized to act on their behalf.

From healthcare assistance to legal support, these services address the unique needs and challenges faced by older adults. They provide valuable resources, education, and support to help seniors navigate various aspects of their lives. Visit the California Department of Aging website for more information.

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