Best Pets for Seniors

Your 1+1 Team
January 23, 2023

Imagine your elderly loved one, retired and cooped up at home, alone for days on end. A furry friend curling on their lap may be exactly what they need. Taking care of a pet pushes you out of the bed in the morning and gives you a renewed sense of purpose. A pet can increase the quality of life for seniors who are at higher risk of social isolation. There are a variety of pets to choose from to fit your loved one’s situation.

Here is a list of the best pets for seniors


Dogs are great companions for seniors because they’re fun, loyal, and provide good company. However, they do require a lot of work such as hygiene and medical attention. Small dogs and older dogs would be the best fit for older adults.

They’re easier to handle, groom, and walk compared to a larger breed or young puppy. Dogs are especially beneficial for socially isolated seniors because they offer constant entertainment, companionship, and unconditional love. It’s a heartwarming feeling to have them always looking excited to see you with their big smile and tail wagging.

Havanese Dogs are an excellent example of a dog breed fit for seniors. They’re small, fuzzy, and easy to keep happy. Many Havanese dogs also work as therapy dogs because they're smart and easy to train.


Cats are the perfect companion for those who want a furry friend that’s low maintenance. Felines cost less to care for since they require less food and toys. They also don’t need as much care compared to dogs because cats groom themselves and don’t require walks. Cleaning out a cat’s litter box is also a lot more convenient than having to walk a dog out late at night. Overall, a cat is the right choice for your loved one if all they want is an easy-to-care, independent pet to curl up in their lap after a long day.

Guinea Pig

A guinea pig is a great choice for your loved one if they want a furry friend but don’t have the space to take care of a dog or cat. All a guinea pig requires is a small pen that needs to be cleaned regularly. Other responsibilities include grooming, feeding, and playing with them. Guinea pigs can also be quite beneficial to seniors with mobility issues since they don’t need to be walked.

Fabulous Fish

Fish are not exactly a pet you can cuddle with, but they’re a great choice for those who don’t have the time, budget, or space to take care of a higher-maintenance pet. They don’t require any grooming, exercise, or training. However, you do have to maintain and clean their tank regularly. Keeping an aquarium can be an engrossing hobby!


Birds are great pets for older adults who spend a lot of time at home. They’re chirpy, enthusiastic, and awesome entertainment! Pet birds often sing, talk, and even play depending on the type your loved one prefers. Canaries and Finches prefer not to be handled, so they’re better for adding lively sound and movement in the household. Parakeets and parrots are better for socialization but require a little more work. However, any bird can bring happy energy into your loved one’s home.

Whether they have fur, feathers, or scales, a pet can be extremely beneficial to aging adults. Once your loved one finds their perfect fit, they get to enjoy life with their forever friend. You can read more articles with 1+1 Cares to learn how to improve your loved one’s aging experience.

1+1 Cares is a referral agency that works for clients and caregivers. We match caregivers with clients and inform them of your requirements. We work for you so you and your loved one can have a safe, enjoyable caregiving experience.

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