End of Life | Hospice Care | Planning and Misconceptions [Myths]

Your 1+1 Team
August 21, 2021

Debunking the myths of hospice care

The decisions revolving around the end of life planning and care can be a difficult topic for you and your loved one. You may want to push it in the back of your mind because of presumed assumptions. However, avoiding the topic of end-of-life and care will only make you and your loved one less prepared during the process. Hospice care is not about when to pull the plug. It’s there to prioritize your loved one’s comfort and quality of life by reducing pain and suffering. We’re here to debunk misconceptions about hospice so you can have a full understanding of the care that will help your loved one enjoy their life till the end.

Myth #1: Hospice care means giving up control

DEBUNKED: The control in almost all instances lies with the patient and family. According to Advent Health, the hospice team sits down with the patient and their family to create an integrated care plan to address every single one of their unique needs. Hospice care is all about prioritizing your loved one’s comfort and quality of life, so the decision-making is not taken away from them.

Myth #2: Hospice care means nothing else can be done

DEBUNKED: Hospice programs offer the latest in palliative care to ease symptoms and improve the quality of life. It is there to fulfill every single one of your and your loved one’s physical, emotional, and spiritual needs. While hospice focuses more on caring rather than curing, it neither speeds nor prolongs the dying process.

Myth #3: Hospice is only for individuals in their last days of life

DEBUNKED: Hospice care is for patients who have been given a terminal diagnosis and are told that they have less than six months to live if the illness continues at its rate, however, this does not mean death is impending. The earlier your loved one receives hospice care, the higher chance they have to stabilize their medical condition. Hospice is available for many months and can make your loved one’s time more about living well, rather than dying.

End of Life care also is not only offered to the patients but their families as well. Hospice is a family-centered form of care and gives just as much support to family members as to the patient. Following the death of a loved one, senior care provides individual counseling, grief support groups, workshops, social groups, and literature to support grieving family members for 13 months.

Myth #4: Hospice care is more expensive

DEBUNKED: Hospice care is more affordable than one would think. According to the Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, studies have shown hospice care costs less than conventional care during the last six months of life. This is due to less use of high technology and care provided to the patient by family members, friends, and volunteers at home. Advent Health states hospice services are also covered by Medicare Part A, Medicaid, and most private insurances.

Myth #5: End of life planning can be waited on till the last minute

DEBUNKED: Most patients and their families wait until their final days to contact hospice care. However, as said earlier, the sooner you plan for end-of-life care, the more opportunity you have to stabilize your loved one’s medical condition. We tend to not think things are necessary until it hits us in the face, don’t let the end of life planning be one of them. The sooner you plan, the more prepared you and your loved one will be to receive hospice care so they can live well till the end. Caregiver Stress provides a conversation tree that can help you get started on care and planning.

Now that you know what it means to receive hospice care, you can be prepared to have that conversation with your loved one about what the next steps are. Planning now instead of on their final days will only benefit the quality of life for both you and your loved one.

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