5 Tips For Making Friends After Retirement

Your 1+1 Team
October 25, 2021

Making friends after retirement may appear not as easy as it was in primary school. In fact, many seniors experience depression and loneliness due to living alone and reduced connections, according to a study. Social interactions help healthy aging as it prevents cognitive decline and loneliness. However, while your loved one may not be playing ball in the schoolyard anymore, that does not mean making friends is impossible at their age. There are several ways your loved one can maintain social interaction and make friends after retirement.

1. Stay confident

Staying confident is the first step to making friends. Your loved one can’t be afraid to put themselves out there. They need to get outside of their comfort zone and spend time around others. All they have to do is try. It can be as simple as sparking a conversation with a stranger because there is someone out there looking for a friend too. Friendships do take time and effort but don’t let that strain their confidence and make them give up.

2. Be a joiner!

Get involved! The best way to make new friends is through joining clubs, groups, or activities where they can meet people that share the same interests as them. There are a variety of groups and activities they can be a part of within their community! They just have to be willing to find them and reach out. Whether it be a dance class or a book club, your loved one will meet people regardless and most likely make a few friends.

3. Reconnect with old friends

Your loved one may have people in their network that they have not connected in a while. They should reconnect and share an old photo, and find out what is new with them! Your loved one’s old friends may miss their company!

4. There is an app for that!

Ah the digital age, there is an app for everything, including for building new friendships! You may have that only dating apps exist, but apps such as Bumble BFF, Nextdoor, Meetup, and Friender exist for you to meet new friends. However, make sure your loved one uses these apps safely. Facebook groups as well as can help your loved one connect to those who share similar interests and values.

5. Be a good friend yourself

To have friends, you have to be a friend. Your loved one can show they’re a good friend by talking less and listening more, especially in the early stages of friendship. Be a good listener, ask lots of questions, and get to know the other person. Showing a new person in your life that you care about them leaves an impression and possibly builds an amazing friendship.

Your loved one’s social life does not die after retirement. While they may feel more isolated, there are still opportunities for them to make friends, they just have to go find them!

1 +1 Cares is a referral agency that works for clients and caregivers. We match caregivers with clients and inform them of your requirements. We work for you so you and your loved one can have a safe, enjoyable caregiving experience.

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